
Within Colour-Ecology, yarns fabrics and fibers are dyed with plants, the majority of which are foraged or grown in Glasgow.Fabrics are created for a variety of contexts, with just a few illustrated below. Thanks goes to Heidi Kuisma for her images.

‘Jack’s Knitted Ladder’ (2013) is acomposition of workshop participants colour work, produced as part of House for an Art Lover’s AiRborne residency programme (HAL). Knitted on a domestic knitting machine from hand naturally dyed silks and wools. The 6m pieceĀ  hung from the Dovecot in the heritage center at HAL and was named after a story that Mags Smith told during a Living and Making Sustainability seminar.


‘Knit and Shibori'(2013) replicated samples which participants produced over the course of Kathy’s AiRborne residency at HAL. Fabrics were initially knitted on a domestic machine and then manipulated giving unique eco-prints, usually only seen on woven fabrics.

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‘Shibori Samples 2014’ were developed over the course of the workshops held in 2014, a selection of handerkercheif sized samples were produced, which captured the colours used that year and also explored different geometric shibori patterns.

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